Saying For Today: She wants to be worshiped, not just played with like a sex toy. She wants to be seen from her soul into her body, not just be seen as a body.
An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi
All is welcome here...
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
*Sensuality, Jasya, Flickr
Many men have no idea of how to share sensual loving with a woman. They are too fascinated with the supposed prowess of their penis, and focused on impressing her with what a man they think they are. It is all very foolish, and he looks and acts like a total dunce - quite stupid. But all the time, he thinks he is impressing her - or, maybe, he is just trying to impress himself, or trying to prove to himself he is a real man. Surely, this may impress a woman who is acting like a dunce herself - very foolish and quite stupid acting herself -, but a woman who is being a woman, who enjoys and respects her womanhood, this will not impress. A man needs to understand, the woman being a woman is impressed by his heart, and being impressed by his penis or his prowess at sex is not even a close second. A woman is impressed more with a man who can see her for being a woman, see who she is deeply, and respect her for that. She wants to be worshiped, not just played with like a sex toy. She wants to be seen from her soul into her body, not just be seen as a body. A real woman knows when a man is sharing love with her, or when he is toying with her like an object. A woman acting like a woman, wants nothing to do with such idiotic sex.
Sorry Is all that you can't say Years gone by and still Words don't come easily Like sorry like sorry
Forgive me Is all that you can't say Years gone by and still Words don't come easily Like forgive me forgive me
But you can say baby Baby can I hold you tonight Maybe if I told you the right words At the right time you'd be mine
I love you Is all that you can't say Years gone by and still Words don't come easily Like I love you I love you
*Sensuality, MarietteDodd, Flickr
Sacred sex is a sacrament, as much a sacrament as anything religion calls a sacrament. For a man to share love sexually with a woman, reverently, is as holy as any eucharist, or any rite of any religion. He touches her, as though he is touching the beatific body of a Christ, the fecund flesh of a Goddess. Sex, as more than physical, but the intercourse of soul with soul, is a way to enter together into the bliss of Heaven, now. He who loves a woman in this way, he worships, he honors the temple Nature formed for his eyes and hands to adore, cherish, and bow his heart before. Blessed is the man who loves a woman like this, and blessed is the woman loved like this. This kind of loving can occur, inside or outside marriage, for this is the marriage of two hearts, a loving neither church nor state can sanction, disavow, and death not destroy. This, in other words, is Love Itself loving Itself, through two bodies, two souls, invited into the ecstasy of this delightful Dance.
*Butterfly Kisses, Soleá, Flickr
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM
ŠArem Nahariim-Samadhi, 12.22.11. Arem can be contacted at .